
#12 Education

1.Recently, cellphone novels are popular in Japan.
So almost all young Japanese don't get accustomed to read type book or magazine.
It is problem, I think.

2. Japanese plays TV games, PSP and NINTENDOU DS many many times!
I think they play it than talking with other people.

3. A mobile phone's popularization is not good for young Japanese.
This trend is getting lower young Japanese communication skill and Japanese writing skill.

6 件のコメント:

  1. Hello.
    I think newest technology should be used by many people. But it is not good to use it too much.

  2. Hello!
    Children play in house recently...
    I think that plaing in outside is very enjoyed.

  3. Hi!!
    The Children should be plaing in outside

  4. Hello!
    I agree with you.
    I think peopele should communication face to face.

  5. I agree that almost all young Japanese don't get accustomed to read type book or magazine.

  6. Hellooo^^
    I agree with you!
    Cell phone is necessary for us. But, it is big influence for our skill like kanji.
